Four nations
Heritage Trust Network is a UK-wide organisation with a distinct presence in each of the four nations. Each nation has a Committee made up of members and a dedicated trustee on the Network’s board.
Our national committees work with the staff team to organise events, work in partnership with other organisations in the heritage sector and beyond, and represent the Network on national forums.
In each nation we are working to have dedicated staff in the form of Development and Outreach Officers and/or Heritage Trainees, working with our UK staff to support our members, organise events and bring new members into the Network.

The Network has more than 550 members all over England. We have established an England Committee to provide advice and additional capacity to feed into national forums and networks. We are funded by Historic England and work closely with them on high street regeneration, inclusion and carbon literacy.

Northern Ireland
We have over 40 members in all parts of Northern Ireland. We have a lively committee with strong connections to local authorities, universities and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Our work is funded by the Department for Communities Historic Environment Division and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

We have over 170 members in Scotland and currently employ a Development and Outreach Officer and a Heritage Trainee. We have built strong links with other national organisations and funders supported by our Scotland Committee and funded by Historic Environment Scotland and National Trust for Scotland.

We have nearly 100 members in Wales. Our Wales committee has helped organise events around high street regeneration and young people's engagement with heritage. We work closely with other national heritage and community development organisations and funders. Our work is funded by Cadw and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.