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Empowering people to rescue and reuse historic buildings and spaces for their communities

Support for anyone working with mills

Are you involved with a traditional mill in the North of the UK, considering buying/renovating or already maintaining and conserving one? Just interested in their history or engineering generally or a conservation professional wishing to know more about these buildings and their workings?

The North UK Mills Group is for you!

Our aim is for people and organisations working with mills to be better connected with each other and help keep these buildings, skills and mill cultures alive and accessible.

We currently run online meetings throughout the year and hope to facilitate more in-person events in the near future.

We can offer introductions to others with interests like yours, sources of hard to find historical and technical information, new ideas on ways forwards and a forum to ask questions, be inspired and discuss mill themed topics.

This group is free to join and has been formed by Heritage Trust Network in partnership with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (Scotland) and independent mill and industrial heritage experts.

North UK Mills Group Meetings

Next event: 9th October 2024, 10am

Join our October meeting to discuss hydro schemes!

Featuring: New Lanark Trust case study

These free, online meetings are for anyone with an interest in mill heritage, owners or operators of commercial or converted historic mill buildings and/or those of us with a full-time role in developing and/or running mills.


SPAB Mills Section

Advice, events and contacts

The authority on Mill buildings across the UK, visit the SPAB Mills Section pages to access advice and guidance, the Mill Repair Fund, information about the National Mills weekend, the Millwrights directory –  and more!


Mill Case Studies

Free to watch on YouTube

We’re building a collection of case studies from our online meetings. Take a look to find out what different mills are up to across the north of the UK!

Ready to watch now: The Mill of Benholm Enterprise


Mills of Northern Ireland

A vast source of information shared online

Created by Sebastian Graham, the purpose of this site is to make a record of the mills and industry that played a vital role in the history of Ulster and Northern Ireland.

“Mills of Northern Ireland aims to put our industrial heritage back on the map. How is this being achieved? Through the use of the Valuation Records, Ordnance Survey Map Records and local information.”

Sebastian is keen for input from anyone who has knowledge, stories or pictures of mills in this area.


Scottish Water Mills Website

Location and details of over 9,000 mills in Scotland in the 19th Century

Created by the National Library of Scotland, with Historic Environment Scotland, Arts & Humanities Research Council and the University of Glasgow.

An excellent resource, the Scottish water mills website combines records from the GB1900 Gazetteer and Canmore, as well as first-hand research based on Ordnance Survey first and second edition mapping. It provides options to query and filter the mill records by name, mill type, date, and related features.

There’s also a brief overview of the types of mill that make up Scotland’s industrial heritage.


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