Delegates – List of Organisations
Abbey Church of Dunfermline
Abbot House SCIO
Aberdeen City Heritage Trust
ACL Planning & Development
Architectural Heritage Fund
ARPL Architects
Arris Heritage Consulting
Bailiffgate Museum & Gallery
Banana Enterprise Network Ltd
Bearwood Associates Ltd
Beith Community Development Trust
Belfast Buildings Trust
Built Heritage Consultant
Buttress Architects
Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust
Cannington Shaw Preservation Trust
Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful
Canopy Housing
Carnegie Dunfermline & Hero Trust Fund.
cdmm (UK) Ltd
Circus Eruption
City of Dunfermline Medieval Heritage Group
Clonduff Development Enterprise
Community Enterprise
Creative Heritage Consultants Ltd
CT: Accountants Advisers
Cymes Conservation
Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust
Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust
Direct Access Consultancy
Donald Insall Associates
Dowlas Property Group
DTS Heritage Solutions
Dunfermline Abbey
Dunfermline Heritage Partnership
Experience Heritage
Fife Council
Fife Employment Access trust
Fife Historic Buildings Trust
Fitzrovia Noir CIC / Tommy Flowers Fdn
For Tyldesley CIC
Foundation for Jewish Heritage
Friends of the Sivell Murals, Aberdeen
Gateway Studio CIO
Glasgow Building Preservation Trust
Govanhill Baths Community Trust
Greenwood Projects
Groves Raines Architects Studio
Habitats & Heritage
Halifax Opportunities Trust
Hamilton Hay Van Jonker
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants
Haverfordwest Heritage
Hayes Parsons Insurance Brokers
Hearth Historic Buildings Trust
Heritage Lincolnshire
Heritage Trust for the North West
Heritage Trust Network
Heritage Trust Network Youth Forum
Heritage Trust North West
Highland Historic Buildings Trust
Historic Churches Scotland
Historic England
Historic Environment Scotland
Huntly Development Trust
Imagineear Ltd
In Your Space Circus Ltd
Inner City Trust
Inspiring Families Development Network Scotland-INFADENS.
Irish Landmark Trust
Keep Scotland Beautiful
Killin and Ardeonaig Community Development Trust
Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust
LDN Architects
Leicester City Council
London Historic Buildings Trust
Maryhill Ruchill Parish Church
Matt Holmes Museums
Max Communications Ltd
Morham + Brotchie Partnership
Museum of Abernethy
Naomi Atherton Ltd
Narro Associates
National Churches Trust
National Lottery Heritage Fund
North East Scotland Preservation Trust
North Queensferry Community Trust
Open Arms Kington (OAK) CIC
Oxford Preservation Trust
Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust
Proper Roof Ltd
Purcell Architecture
Queen Margaret’s University
RCCG CRA Dunfermline
Re-Form Heritage
Robinson Wild Consulting
R-Space Gallery
Sarah Kettles Conservation
School of Social and Environmental Sustainability, University of Glasgow UK
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service
Scottish Historic Buildings Trust
Simpson and Brown
Smith Scott Mullan
SPAB Scotland
Squeaky Pedal
Taft Architects
The Architectural Heritage Fund
The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland (AHSS)
The Arkwright Society
The Audience Agency
The Faculty of Advocates
The MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust
The National Trust
The National Trust for Scotland
The Path Trust
The Pilgrim Trust
The University of Manchester
Tyne and Wear Building Preservation Trust
Unity Trust Bank
University of Edinburgh
University of Leeds
University of Lincoln
Urban Hax CIC
Utility Aid
Valley Heritage
Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust
West Midlands Historic Building Trust
William Grant Foundation
WT Partnership
Heritage Trust Network Staff
Beverley Gormley, Programme Manager
David Tittle, Chief Executive Officer
Grace Richardson, Heritage Trainee (Scotland)
Izabella Maar, Heritage Trainee (Wales)
Sarah Pearce, Development Officer (Scotland)
Vicki Cox, Membership Officer