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Empowering people to rescue and reuse historic buildings and spaces for their communities 

We're recruiting!

Heritage Network is recruiting new full-time and part-time posts in its staff team thanks to support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland.

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Network rebrand

Over the next few weeks we’ll be transitioning to our new name ‘Heritage Network’ across our platforms, including a refreshed logo and a new website thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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Impact Survey

Members of the Network are being  asked to complete the second annual Impact Survey. The survey is powerful tool we use to demonstrate to funders and policy makers the impact you have on communities, economies and heritage.

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Heritage Toolbox

We are excited to announce that over the next year we will be working in partnership with Locality to deliver ‘Heritage Toolbox’ a pilot programme of learning and skills development sessions for heritage organisations in West Yorkshire.

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Supporting our Members

Sail Loft Bunkhouse, Portsoy, before
North East Scotland Preservation Trust


Sharing knowledge

Offering guidance, inspiring confidence


Like-minded organisations

Newman Brothers Coffin Works, 2013
Birmingham Conservation Trust


A grassroots movement

With a united voice


The Heritage Trust Network’s national conference is a great place for meeting like-minded people.

Malcolm CrowderNorwich Preservation Trust

There is no challenge for a Trust that has not been met and overcome, previously, by another Trust and the only way of learning from that previous experience of other Trusts is to meet them and discuss your problem at the many networking opportunities that are available through Heritage Trust Network.

Kenneth FergusonCastles of Scotland Preservation Trust

I very much like and endorse the way the Heritage Trust Network is developing.

Martin LightfootBury St Edmunds Preservation Trust

On more than one occasion when our Trust has been struggling with one of the many problems associated with our project, presentations at conferences or conversations with others attending have been inspirational.

Judy CroweBennington Community Heritage Trust

Recently we handed the management of our property over to a third party to manage, they went into liquidation and but, for the support of the Heritage Trust Network, the staff and supportive individuals in the network, who helped us, we too would have gone into liquidation, through no fault of our own.

Kenneth FergusonCastles of Scotland Preservation Trust

Heritage Trust Network represents the heritage sector very effectively.

Judy CroweBennington Community Heritage Trust

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