We are a group of 18- 30-year-olds and early career professionals who are passionate about heritage and want to make our voices heard in the sector.
Heritage Trust Network
Youth Forum
We co-produced our goals and plan our programme in order to realise them. We meet monthly and organise regular activities to help us achieve our aims.
In just over a year, we have achieved a great deal; we have hosted a Careers Pannel and Speed Mentoring event, produced regular blogs, started a podcast channel, started an advice library, and consulted and collaborated with heritage organisations. Check out our events below to see what we have planned for this year
Coming soon
Meetings and events
We meet as a group on a monthly basis, although our special interest sub-groups meet at different times. Join the youth forum to be kept posted about dates and events.
The Youth Forum is currently forming focus groups to offer consultancy on:
- Young people in heritage
- Placemaking
- Environmental sustainability
New podcast episodes
Watch this space…
We would love to hear from you, why not drop us an email?
If you are in Wales, why not get in touch with our Heritage Trainee for Wales-
Izzy (Wales): Izabella.maar@heritagetrustnetwork.org.uk
Youth Forum Resources
The Advice library has been put together by members of Heritage Trust Network Youth Forum with the help of professionals in the heritage sector.
It is intended to give any young or early careers professionals a hand to find the right resources to help you.
To add resources to the library, send them to youthforum@heritagetrustnetwork.org.uk