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Empowering people to rescue and reuse historic buildings and spaces for their communities

Welcome to Scotland

Supporting communities and places


Community Heritage in Scotland is vibrant, dynamic, adaptable and well established with organisations operating in our major cities and across rural areas of the country.  Our 170 Heritage Trust Network members are ready to respond to the needs of communities and to promote heritage regeneration as an important driver of economic resilience.

Get in touch to find out how you can join our local, friendly network for peer support and to share expertise.

Make Your Mark Campaign 

We are delighted to be a key partner this campaign established as part of  Scotland’s strategy for the historic environment.

The Make Your Mark campaign aims to increase the number and diversity of heritage volunteers in Scotland. Our goal is to encourage the heritage sector to take the lead on inclusive volunteering practices and experiences. The campaign will be the connecting link between volunteers and organisations in the heritage sector, with a focus on supporting and increasing volunteering amongst underrepresented groups.

All volunteer-involving organisations are encouraged to sign up to the campaign, you can find more information here.

Key Contacts

Development and Outreach Officer for Scotland: Sarah Pearce


Telephone: 07734 395 112

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