Does your organisation need digital support? Host a Digital Hero!
Digital Heroes are volunteers aged between 18-30, have a wide variety of digital experiences and skills, and will be taking part in training by Audience Agency designed around their needs and the needs of our members.
Our members, like many in the heritage sector, have highlighted an urgent need for digital support in order to reach new audiences and realise their ambitions. Our members have told us that assistance with websites, content creation, social media, digital marketing and fundraising are amongst their top concerns, but that they would also want help with a wide range of digital activities which could be transformative for their organisations and for the sector.
Anne Craig, Trustee and Secretary of SEAchange, Slains Environmental Action for change, told us that “a digital volunteer could help us to learn skills and to achieve our digital aspirations”. Yvonne Boles, Trustee at Clackmannanshire Heritage Trust, told us that “help from a digital volunteer would greatly assist with the outreach and communications with our communities”, and Darren Bridgman of Peter Ashley Activity Centres told us that a Digital Hero could help them to “communicate our message to a wider audience.”
The Digital Heroes project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Digital Skills for Heritage Initiative, and by a tranche of funding that focuses on expanding digital volunteering opportunities.
We expect that Digital Heroes will largely complete placements remotely, although we hope that our Heroes will attend at least one in-person meeting at their host organisation. Digital Heroes will volunteer for placements of around 40 hours, to take place in June-July, or September- October 2022. Those taking part in the first tranche of placements in June – July will be matched with their organisation by May 2022.
Members who are interested in hosting a Digital Hero, should complete the Application Form, which is available here by Monday 25th April 2022.
Please contact Digital Heroes Project Manager Tessa Chynoweth if you have any queries about taking part in the project, or would like to discuss your ideas for a placement. Tessa can be contacted at:
More information on the project is available at the project webpage.