HTN Scotland branch members, Boleskine House Foundation have recently launched a fundraiser to “create the largest and most diverse wildflower meadow in the Loch Ness area, with a new vista viewpoint and 180 degree Loch views”.
The group managed to reach their goal within two hours of launching, but more funding would be very welcome! The Foundation chair Keith Readdy said “We hope one day many can enjoy the bucolic setting of Loch Ness in a magnificent wildflower meadow”. The fundraising efforts are being supported by the Aviva Climate Fund.
“Video prodution courtesy of Paul McGuire.
While the COP26 conference is now well under way in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce a Boleskine climate change initiative, backed by Aviva. We have an ambitious vision to do our part to fight the climate crisis and to inspire others to do their part too. We plan to establish the largest wildflower meadow in Loch Ness!
Wildflower meadows have decreased by a staggering 97% since World War II. With it we have lost vital ecosystems for bees, bugs and insects. We want to do our part to reverse the decline. We want to plant hundreds of thousands of native Scottish wildflower seeds and to establish our meadow as a ‘must see’ tourist attraction in the area. Alongside a new visitor center, we want to educate visitors and tourists how to create small meadows at home so that together we can reverse the decline.
Aviva are supporting our project and will match fund every donation we receive up to £50. So if you give us £20 they will match it with £20. If you donate £100 they will match donate £50. Plus you can also get Gift Aid in the UK and we will get 25p extra for everything you donate. Only one match from Aviva is available per person and it is up to £150,000 and in competition with other projects. So hurry and please donate this week because as soon as we get donations we can get our share of the funding available. This fundraiser closes at the end of November.”