West Midlands Historic Buildings Trust (WMHBT) works closely with The Worcestershire Building Preservation Trust (WBPT) and The City of Wolverhampton Regenerating Buildings Preservation Trust (CoWRBPT) to develop and deliver projects across the West Midlands and Worcestershire region to bring historic buildings back in to use.
May 2021 marked an important month in this mission. With thanks to Historic England’s Capacity Building Grants the 3 Trusts have been able to hire their first two members of staff. Along with a further member of staff who began working on the Willow Court Farmhouse project thanks to continued support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Architectural Heritage Fund.
At the beginning of May 2021, a Heritage Development Officer (HDO), Heritage Development Support Officer (HDSO), and a Heritage Admin Assistant (HAA) were welcomed to the 3 Trusts. The new staff have a range of backgrounds and skills which the Trusts are very excited to put into use to continue our mission to save historic buildings.
Since appointment, staff have been hard at work to build upon the successes of the past. Staff met in person with others who work closely for the Trusts at the Thomas Robinson Building in Lye, Stourbridge. A fitting setting, as the building was saved from potential demolition by WMHBT in a Victorian Society award winning project in 2018.
You can visit the Thomas Robinson Building for yourself next month on the afternoon of the 16th September 2021, when the doors will be opened for one of our Heritage Open Days Events. Willow Court Farmhouse (a Worcestershire Buildings Preservation Trust project) is also taking part in this year’s Heritage Open Days and details of the event on the 18th September can be found here.
The 3 Trusts are hosting a Heritage Open Days’ event where people can find out more about the work they doing. More details can be found here.
You can keep up to date with everything the trust is getting up to on all their social media channels. Just search for ‘West Midlands Historic Buildings Trust’ on your chosen platforms.
Image: New staff and existing consultants outside the Thomas Robinson Building in Lye, Stourbridge. Pictured Left to Right: David (Project director), Fiona (Heritage Development Officer), Amelia (Heritage Development Support Officer), Sue (Chair), and Janine (Heritage Admin Assistant).